Organ, Piano, Keyboard
The church has a 24-rank pipe organ, a 6-foot grand piano, and a 5-octave synthesizer. Keyboard players with adequate skills and a love for the liturgy are most welcome to join our music ministry. Organ lessons are available to pianists who wish to learn to play the organ.
For information on becoming a Cantor, Lector, Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, Mass Server, Children's Liturgy of the Word Leader, or Host/Greeter, contact the Parish Office, 232-7763.
Handbell Choirs
The church has a three-octave set of handbells. Bell choir is offered to students in Cathedral School. Currently, there is no bell choir for older parishioners. Anyone in high school or older who would like to ring in a bell choir, please contact Tom Smith. If there is sufficient interest, we will organize an adult bell choir.
For more information or to volunteer contact Tom Smith.
Phone: 816-232-7763
Glory and Praise Choir
The Glory and Praise Choir sings at the 11:30 a.m. Mass, usually on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, and on occasion for special services. Rehearsals are on Sunday at 10:45 AM before choir Masses. Concentration is on contemporary church music. Open to adults and high school students with a pleasant singing voice. The choir sings mostly in unison, with occasional harmony parts. Regular attendance at rehearsals and services is expected. Currently, accompaniment is by piano. We would like to add other instruments to the ensemble (see “Instruments” section). The choir takes a more relaxed schedule during the summer months.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Tom Smith in the Parish Office.
Phone: 816-232-7763
The Cathedral Choir
The Cathedral Choir sings at the 8:30 a.m. Mass, usually on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month, and on occasion for special services. Open to adults and high school students - the only prerequisite is the ability to match pitches! Rehearsals are once a week on Wednesdays, from 7:00-8:00 PM. Regular attendance at rehearsals and services is expected. The accompaniment is by organ. The choir takes a more relaxed schedule during the summer months.
For more information or to volunteer, contact Matthew Bobella through the Parish Office, 816-232-7763.
The cantor proclaims the responsorial psalm at Mass and other liturgical services. The cantor also announces the hymns, sings other psalmody as needed, makes other announcements, and offers the prayer of the faithful in the absence of a deacon. Open to adults and high school students who have a love for the psalms, a pleasant singing voice, and an aptitude for public speaking. Cantors meet monthly to rehearse, usually at 6:30 p.m. on the Thursday before the first Sunday of each month. Training is conducted by the diocese. Currently, each cantor is scheduled about once a month.
For more information or to volunteer contact Tom Smith.
Phone: 816-232-7763